Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa
1000 Tournament Players Boulevard
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, 32082

NAPR/NALTO® has secured a discounted room rate of $294/night + tax (single/double). The discounted room rate is available until Monday, January 27, 2025, or until the block sells out. Please note, the block is expected to sell out, so don’t delay! Questions? Contact the hotel directly by calling 888-789-3090.
*ALERT* NAPR/NALTO® does not use a third-party housing or travel service company.
We encourage you to book your hotel accommodations through the Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa by contacting them directly, or using the above reservation link.
If you are contacted by anyone in regards to a hotel reservation, please note they are not endorsed by NAPR/NALTO®. Despite their claims, they do not have access to our negotiated discounted rates. If you make a reservation with an outside company, NAPR/NALTO® cannot guarantee your reservation is valid.
Attendees | Exhibitors
What should I wear?
During the day, anything from business to casual dress is appropriate. Evening attire is at your discretion.
Where is the 2025 Annual Convention located?
This year’s Convention will be held at the Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort and Spa in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. Please click here for directions.
How do I confirm my hotel reservation?
In order to confirm your reservation, please call the Reservations Department at the Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort and Spa at 888-789-3090.
*Please note, NAPR/NALTO® Headquarters is unable to view and/or modify your reservations.
When is the hotel cutoff date?
The cutoff date for hotel reservations is Monday, January 27, 2025. For more information on the NAPR/NALTO® discounted rate and how to book, please view the Hotel Information section.
What is the cancellation policy?
Requests must be submitted by email to [email protected]. A $150 processing fee will be deducted from refunds made for cancellations received by February 5, 2025. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after this date, and no-shows require payment in full. All refunds will be processed after Convention.
When and in what order will I be assigned my booth?
Booth locations will be selected on a Zoom call. Attendance is required to select booth numbers. Order of selection will be made based on the date of the received contract, electrical needs, sponsorship level, and if possible, direct competitors.
I am interested in hosting an affiliate event – who do I contact?
If your company is interested in hosting an affiliate event, please contact NAPR/NALTO® Headquarters for assistance in coordinating your event.
Please note all affiliate events must be approved by NAPR/NALTO® and must not conflict with Convention events. For more information, contact NAPR/NALTO® Headquarters at 407-774-7880 or email [email protected].
When are all other materials due?
Advertisement artwork deadline is to be determined.
When will I receive the preliminary registration list?
Preliminary registration lists are emailed approximately two weeks prior to the Convention.